August 25, 2021
9:30 A.M.
PRESENT: Becky Heiman, MLS Chairman, Brian Crockett, Vicki Bulkley, Amanda Janda, Judy Nusser, Vicki Germann, Jeana Anliker, and Cindy Unger.
ABSENT: Kim Grebe, Jamie Biera, and Shanna Jagels.
Becky Heiman called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the June 30th, 2021 meeting were approved as published.
New Business:
IDX 16.3.3 statute was brought up as an issue that not all agency websites are following the guidelines of advertisement. Jeana made a motion to add to 16.3.3 in The Garden City MLS rules and regulations stating; the name of the office owning the listing, be published right underneath the listing picture. Vicki Bulkley Seconded the motion. Motion carried. This will require final approval of the Board of Directors.
Amanda Janda suggested adding watermarks to listing photos to protect our listings from 3rd party sights. It was agreed that we will do research on what to suggest for watermark size and location and will revisit at next meeting.
Vicki Germann asked for ideas on ways to let all members know about board meetings, opportunities, and minutes. It was suggested that we update Garden City MLS website on each happening so there is a local place that all information can be found.
The MLS committee decided we need a Residential Form Review Committee, we will email all agencies asking for at least 1 representative from their agency to be on this Committee and to have their chosen representatives sent in as soon as possible. Amanda Janda offered to be the head of the committee.
Old Business:
Escalation Clause- It was KAR approved to add Purchase Price Escalation Clause Addendum to Dotloop
Other Business:
Supra eKey Pro – It was a majority decision that we will no longer look into using the Supra eKey Pro, and instead will look into adding the Home Snap App.
No further business, meeting was adjourned.
Adjourned at 10:12 AM
Respectfully submitted,
Lyndsay Plankenhorn, E.O.